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The INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD for The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Short Stories by Fiza Pathan

May 6, 2018




Author Fiza Pathan receives national recognition through the INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD®!


MumbaiThe INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD recognized The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Short Stories by Fiza Pathan as a Distinguished Favorite in the category of LGBTQ Fiction. This is the third award bestowed on the book the other two being 2018 Montaigne Medal Finalist (Eric Hoffer Book Award) and the 2018 Shelf Unbound Competition for Best Independently Published Book – Notable Indie

The competition is judged by experts from different aspects of the book industry, including publishers, writers, editors, book cover designers and professional copywriters. Selected award Winners and Distinguished Favorites are based on overall excellence.

Title: The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Short Stories

Author: Fiza Pathan

Genre/category: LGBTQ Fiction




The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name by Fiza Pathan is a collection of twenty-one original short stories, each centered on some aspect of the social, cultural, psychological, and emotional issues facing the LGBTQIA community in the world today. False prejudice has blighted much of society’s sensitivity to what is necessarily a human rights issue. Ignorance has compounded it. What if you, as a parent or a family member, are faced with this “coming out” issue? Are you aware what each term in the acronym LGBTQIA really means? Are you aware of the emotional and psychological damage you do to a loved one when you fail to understand, and/or reject, their perspective of love, sex, and acceptance?

Understanding the implications of the above, the author after months of research has crafted these stories based on actual conditions existing in different countries of the world. You will meet Rocky in “(A)sexual Story,” the psychiatrist Dr. Timothy in “Fix It,” and Jasmine and Randy in “Human Work of Art.” You will learn about DSD–Dysfunction Sexual Disorder–in “Isher” and why Bangkok is called the “Kathoey Paradise.” You will shudder at the public repression of gays by ISIS in Raqqa, and learn about the dichotomy that exists in Iran. You will revel at the miracle you witness in “Topanga,” cry for Sameera in “The Girls’ Bathroom,” and be educated by “The Gay Truth.”

And in all these stories and many more, you will learn that every human being suffers like you do and rejoices as you do, and deserves the right to choose how he or she should live their life, however different we perceive them to be.

In 2018, we again had a most impressive worldwide participation: cities such as London to Moscow to San Francisco, and many countries such as Australia, Canada, India and Japan, and across the globe had books submitted to the INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD. We are so delighted to announce the winners and distinguished favorites in our annual 2018 INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD. Independent publishing is very much alive, and continues to flourish worldwide.” said awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak.

For more information please visit and to see this year’s list of Winners and Distinguished Favorites, please visit the website pages and


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  1. Congratulations, Fiza!

  2. Thank you, ma’am. 🙂

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